Jeremy Yamamura

He has been associated with his DOGZZZ project for more than 20 years, which continues arousing high interest among art collectors from all over the world. Jeremy Yamamura (1981) began his creative training in Bordeaux (France) and in the 2000s he was introduced to urban art through using a series of characters that have evolved over time, but all share a positive energy, as well as a social message.

Since his first exhibition in London in 2005, his work has been exhibited at art fairs such as MOCAF (Manila, Philippines), Art Taichun (Taiwan), Art Xiamen Art fair (China) and in galleries such as Vertical Gallery (Chicago) or Blockhouse (Tokyo), among others.

Since 2006 he lives in Japan, where he has collaborated for brands such as Nike, Beats, MTV or Muji, among others. He is one of the most quoted and mentioned names within the Tokyo urban art scene, also making animation from an artistic point of view, and always with the background of his best friends, the DOGZZZ, which accompany him wherever he goes.