Javier Jubera

An artist. A great draftsman. A great engraver. A great artist. Javier Jubera (Logroño, Spain, 1982) has already a consolidated career as an illustrator linked to the publishing world, the music and the press.

He has illustrated in the publishing sector for Pepitas de Calabaza, El Desvelo, Salto de Página, La Esfera de los Libros and Plaza y Valdés, among other editorials. He has been the illustrator of two books written by the Spanish journalist Maxim Huerta, El escritor (Ed. Hidroavión) and Mi lugar en el mundo eres tú (Ed. La Esfera de los Libros). He also collaborates regularly with newspapers such as El Malpensante (Colombia) or Picnic (Mexico), and has drawn the covers for music bands and soloists such as Nacho Umbert, Permission (New York), Perro Lobo and Monserrat.

Drawing and engraving, along with his careful sense of the line, are the perfect language to create a deeply personal style. Needing to express himself away from any guideline or format, he shows periodically in exhibitions a proper and genuine language to express his particular creative world.

His name was one of 27 selected for the exhibition Spanish Illustrators. The color of the optimism organized by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has gone to Rome, Berlin, Frankfurt, Washington, Miami and Mexico City.