Collection: Eugenio Merino

About his beard almost medieval and his love for freezing dictators we cannot say much that is not already known. Eugenio Merino (Madrid, 1975) is one of the most noted artists of the last decade in Spain, and we like that (that's why we convinced him to leave momentary the sculpture and make his...

About his beard almost medieval and his love for freezing dictators we cannot say much that is not already known. Eugenio Merino (Madrid, 1975) is one of the most noted artists of the last decade in Spain, and we like that (that's why we convinced him to leave momentary the sculpture and make his first graphic work with us).

Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, has shown his work individually in Unix Gallery (Houston, USA), Unix Fine Arts (New York, USA), DNA Gallery (Barcelona, Spain), Jerome Zodo Gallery (Milan , Italy) or Louis 21 (Madrid, Spain), among others. And he has participated in collective exhibitions in Miami, Malaga, Brussels, Houston, Basel, Rio de Janeiro and Valencia, showing its political work, typical of an artist who has been influenced by his time, and has moved his social ideology from his hands to the sculpture splashing the audience (as it should be). "Blah, blah, blah ..." he says of himself, and explains he dedicates to art after "rule out everything else".

He leads a generation of Spanish artists, with Santiago Morilla, Julio Falagan or Juan Francisco Casas, who have in Madrid their headquarters and from here to the world, which is surrended to his work, of course.