Boris Hoppek

He was born in Germany in 1970 and currently lives and works in Barcelona. He kicked off his career in the 1990s by introducing figurative elements to the graffiti scene, artistic discipline he has continued working in, with a decontextualization of the iconographic figures that made him famous. His level of abstraction over his own work has been such that it has led him to develop his work in photography, collage or installation.

Politics, immigration, racism, violence, pornography and sexuality are the usual themes in the work of this creator, who has also portrayed the innocence of children in refugee camps, as well as nihilism of adults in such circumstances. His famous character Bimbo, a black figure with red lips, is his most recognizable icon and he has uses it to tell stories and show his black humor and social criticism.

He has created a site-specific for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome (MACRO Future), and made individually and collectively exhibitions in galleries such as Diesel Gallery (Tokyo, Japan), Room 26 (Rome, Italy), Iguapop Gallery (Barcelona, Spain), Jonathan LeVine (New York, USA) or Magma Gallery (Manchester, UK), and many others.